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  • Writer's pictureSovanpidor Ham

The Khmer Writing App is Teaching Students to Read and Write

Updated: May 22, 2023

Published on Aug 11, 2017

The Khmer Writing App was developed out of an InSTEDD iLab iCamp to address low country-wide reading and writing scores among young children. Since its creation, one school has had several months to test and experience the benefits of using this educational and entertaining teaching aid. The Sor Se Khmer app is helping children in grades 1 through 3 learn to read, write, and speak proper Khmer through interactive and engaging methods.

Chhorn Chhayyuth, the Educational Technology Coordinator of Kampuchean Action for Primary Education (KAPE), has been closely working with the InSTEDD team in the development of the Sor Se Khmer App. He stated, "The reason why we focus on reading and writing is that, through our observation and information from the Education Quality Assurance Department, the ability of students to read and write is very limited. We believe that to make students interested and improve their reading and writing skills, they must start from an early age."

Chhayyuth also mentioned that teachers find managing a large classroom much easier when each student receives interactive feedback via a tablet. However, he warns that "Sor Se Khmer does not replace a teacher in class but serves as a supplementary tool to enhance what is currently being taught."

In June 2017, Chambok Korng Primary School became the first school to use the Khmer Writing App. Sok Sarom, the director of Chambok Korng Primary School, said, "The students like it a lot. All they had in the past was a hardcover storybook, but now they have something new and visually appealing to learn from."

Even with a limited number of tablets available at the school, proper organization allows every student to experience this new method of learning. "We have a shared time slot where students who have difficulty in learning will be given the tablet to learn through the app, and a few extra tablets can be borrowed from the library."

Since the successful initial development and launch of the app, it is now in the initial installation process in many different schools in Svay Rieng, Kampong Cham, Battambang, and other provinces.

The partnership between KAPE and InSTEDD iLab is an example of a prototype from an iCamp that is currently helping children learn. As installation continues, the Khmer Writing App will spread to more schools and help more children.



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